People have asked: “What does Keep Boise kind mean?” We believe it means whatever resonates most with you. There is a collective kindness that we want to foster in our growing city. It can be as simple as letting a car merge or as complex as volunteering. Be kind to strangers. Be kind on the roads. Be kind to yourself. Mostly, be kind.
Kindness is powerful. It inspires and motivates us. Through the power of kindness we not only improve the world of those who surround us, but our own human experiences and the community we live in.
Keep Boise kind makes a contribution of 10% of net profits from the sale of our merchandise to organizations working to resolve issues impacted by Boise’s growth. The target areas are housing, homelessness and transportation. As we grow Keep Boise kind we will increase our impact.
The more you like, the more we give.
We invite you to join us to Keep Boise kind and keep Boise nice. Let’s preserve the spirit that makes us proud to be a Boisean and what led us to want to make Boise home.