Keep Boise kind.™ was born in the summer of 2018 in response to the rapid growth we saw happening around us. We realized growth to our city would have both positive and negative effects. While growth brings economic prosperity for many, it also brings economic hardship to countless others.

One thing is certain, though, growth to a city, especially as fast as it was happening around us, inevitably brings stress, especially in areas like housing, homelessness, and transportation.

We wanted to do something, to shine a light, as we watched our city evolve and change. We understood that you can’t just stop growth. My husband, an Idaho native with a family legacy of 100 years, will often say “trying to stop people from moving to Boise is like trying to hold back the ocean with a broom”.

Four years ago we registered and trademarked Keep Boise kind.™ … traits that showcased what a special city we live in. We put these messages on merchandise as a touchstone so that people can see these items and remember, even in the chaos of a bustling city, stay kind.

Boise’s reputation of kindness, niceness and overall friendliness is, in many ways the very values that have led natives to remain, and prompted newcomers to move here and call the Treasure Valley home.

Our goal was to order t-shirts, hats, stickers and postcards as a way to spread the message with the hope the more we sold, the more we could give back to local organizations helping our community, notably those impacted by Boise’s growth. We are in a handful of brick and mortar stores, with more on the horizon, as well as online.

To date, Keep Boise kind.™ has donated to Jesse’s Tree, Catch Idaho, the Idaho Foodbank, Meals on Wheels, So Good! Inc, Women’s Children Alliance, SNAP, Interfaith Sanctuary, Idaho Farm Animal Sanctuary, and Create Common Good.

We believe in the law of reciprocity, the more you give, the more you get and we feel it is our obligation to give back to those who give to our community. The more merchandise we can get out there, the more we can give back to our many neighborhoods and districts. And, the more you wear, the more the message permeates.

Please visit the Keep Boise kind.™ store at 10% of net profits are donated to organizations helping our community.

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